Volume 13 (2023)


EDITORIAL (open access)


C. Corsi The suburbia of Late Antiquity between spatiality and function. A discussion in the light of a few case studies from northern Italy (open access)

S. García-Dils de la Vega From colonia Augusta Firma to Astigi. Urban transformations and Christianization of space in Late Antique Écija (Seville – Spain) (open access)

J.M. Macias Solé, A.V. Ribera Lacomba, M. Rosselló Mesquida, F. Rodríguez Martorell, Ò. Caldés Aquilué València la Vella: A Visigothic city to place in history? (open access)

M. Fecchio La risorsa animale agli albori di Venezia urbana. I resti faunistici altomedievali dello scavo di Ca’ Vendramin Calergi (open access)

B. Lefebvre Post-and-plank construction between the 12th and 13th centuries: examples from recent excavations in Moissac (France) (open access)


J. Oller Guzmán, S. García-Dils de la Vega Praying in the dark: religious practices in the emerald mines of the Eastern Egyptian Desert between the Early Roman and the Late Antique period (open access)

J.M. Carrasco, O. Olesti Late antique villae in the Ager Tarraconensis. Territorial and fiscal transformations (open access)

R. Valente, M. Jackson, J. Crow, S. Turner, D. Athanasoulis Tracing interconnected lifeways in the rural Aegean (7th-9th centuries AD): the case of the utilitarian artefacts of the Apalirou Environs Survey Project (Naxos – Greece) (open access)

M. Malvaso, U. Tecchiati, M. Motto Analisi archeozoologica delle sepolture animali della prima età moderna (?) di Santa Maria delle Lacrime a Treviglio (BG) (open access)

F. Sini, M. Avanzini La complessità storica degli alpeggi sulla montagna di Brentonico: una proposta di catalogazione delle architetture di malga (open access)


R. Goffredo, G. Dato Patti di collaborazione e pratiche di comunità di patrimonio in Puglia: il progetto CAP70014 (open access)

REVIEWS (open access)

Caroline Goodson, Cultivating the City in Early Medieval Italy - by A. Chavarría Arnau

Philippe Pergola et al. (eds), Perchement et Réalités Fortifiées en Méditerranéè et en Europe, Vème-Xème Siècles / Fortified Hilltop Settlements in the Mediterranean and in Europe (5th-10th centuries); Federico Marazzi, Chiara Raimondo, Giuseppe Hyeraci (eds), La difesa militare bizantina in Italia (secoli VI-XI) - by A. Chavarría Arnau

Veronica Aniceti, Animals and their roles in the medieval society of Sicily from Byzantines to Arabs and from Arabs to Norman/Aragoneses (7th-14th c. AD) - by M. Fecchio211